
Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Paddy's Day Snow

The leprechauns didn't leave us a pot of gold this St. Paddy's Day, and instead played a nasty little trick on the region. The warm weather has apparently followed Bruce Bingham back home to Florida, and it seems we spoke too soon about spring being on the horizon.

After our visit with Bruce and the crew of Eager Dreamer, we were so excited about the changing weather that we started taking the tarps off of Phoenix and dusting off our list of spring projects to tackle before de-winterizing the boat.

We were treated to a beautiful spring day on Saturday with nearly 70 degree weather, but apparently winter isn't ready to leave us and we had to prepare for yet another snow storm. So, the tarps are back on, this time a little lower since the snow was going to be accompanied by 20-30 knot winds. We were hoping the snow would somehow miss the area or the forecasts were wrong, but once again, we woke up to a winter wonderland.

This is certainly NOT what Maryland is supposed to look like in the middle of March!

So, we have yet another boat work delay and instead will take the time to celebrate St. Paddy's Day -- with corned beef, cabbage, Irish soda bread, and of course, plenty of beer! After all, everyone is Irish today (well, I'm Irish every day).



  1. Nice pix. You got all the snow that missed us over the weekend. What does 'Slainte' mean?

    1. I wish the snow would have missed us too! Slainte (pronounced "slahn-sha") literally means "health," and is used in Ireland and Scotland as a toast like our "cheers."

    2. OK, as long as it nothing to do with Corned Beef.

    3. C'mon, the corned beef was delicious!!!
