
Friday, February 21, 2014

Breaking the Ice

Another week on the Chesapeake, and yet another "wintry mix." But then again, it wouldn't be February around here without a few snow and ice storms, so at least this year we haven't been blanketed with too much ice.

It's hard to think warm thoughts and look for signs of spring with about a foot of snow on the ground, so Bill and I decided to take a time out to play in the snow and build a snow man.

Yep, even Frosty is taller than me!

Most of that snow has melted as we have a brief warm up, and it seems we aren't the only people that are getting antsy for spring. Despite the fact that most of the creek was frozen solid, imagine our surprise yesterday to see this tug boat making it's way up the creek.

Never seen this type of bucket "ice breaker" before...

The bucket swept back and forth in front of the barge to break the ice

Looks like the ice was about 4-5 inches thick!
The tug did a great job clearing the creek and today about half of the ice is gone. We're supposed to have 60 degree weather this weekend so we may be able to get some boat work done before another "polar vortex" arrives next week... BBRRRRRR!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. A Snow man taller than you. I'm Bill had to put the hat on him unless you had a ladder!!!!!!
