Every year, Bill and I plan a sailing trip to celebrate our anniversary, and this year was no exception. We decided to check out a few new anchorages this time, and we wanted to head south to catch some crabs since they aren't running very well up in the northern part of the Bay this year.
Our original intention was to sail to the Choptank River on the first day, but we had a later start than we anticipated, and didn't leave the dock until about 10am. They were calling for severe thunderstorms beginning around 4pm and we wanted to be anchored by 3pm to get ready for the storms. So we set our sights on Whitehall Bay near Annapolis.
Overview of Whitehall Bay |
As we approached Whitehall Bay, we decided it was too exposed from the south, so we weaved our way into Mill Creek instead. Based on our timing we were there at low tide; the channel was reported at 7 feet, and since
Phoenix draws 6.5 feet, I was biting my bottom lip as we threaded the needle up the creek before anchoring just past Hidden Point. We didn't bump bottom, but a local fisherman has since told us that we were brave for coming in there.
The entrance to Mill Creek -- make sure you stay in the middle of the channel |
We dropped anchor just after 3pm and quickly set the snubber, set up the
squall-proof wind scoop and our
aft hatch dodger, and prepared for the pending thunderstorms. There were tornado warnings just to the south of us, and the band came through shortly after 4pm. We mostly had rain, while the brunt of the storm stayed to the south, and headed straight across the Bay to the Choptank River. Needless to say, we were pretty happy that we ducked in early and didn't try to make it to the Choptank that day.
A quiet evening after the storm passed |
Mill Creek is a relatively quiet, residential creek that can be peaceful during the evenings, but some of the boat traffic can leave a sour taste in your mouth. The crab boats woke us up promptly at 4am, and the wake boarders decided to do laps around the boat from 7-8am while we sipped on our morning coffee. Not my favorite way to wake up! The plan was to wait until the incoming tide between 10-11am to make our departure easier, but with all the boat traffic, and a quick look at the tides, we decided were ready to haul anchor and head out by 9.
With only a light breeze, we motor sailed our way to the Choptank River, up Broad Creek, and ultimately set our sights on San Domingo Creek. There is a small town dock in San Domingo Creek that takes you to the back side of St. Michaels, and we heard that it was far less hectic than the normal approach on the Miles River.
I think Bill was determined to give me some gray hair this trip, since the entrance to San Domingo Creek was even tighter than it was getting into Mill Creek! Since we left Mill Creek on the incoming tide, we arrived at San Domingo Creek on a falling tide, so again I was holding my breath and biting my lip as the depth finder and sonar showed shallower and shallower water. We meandered our way up the creek and anchored in 12 feet of water. Braver souls continued up the creek and dropped anchor much closer to St. Michaels, but with 7 feet of water at low tide
, that area was out of our comfort zone for anchoring.
Anchorage at San Domingo Creek |
San Domingo Creek was everything we'd hoped it would be: calm warm water, great swimming (surprisingly no sea nettles), easy access to St. Michaels, and picturesque homes -- both new and old -- peppering the shoreline.
A far less crowded anchorage if you want to visit St. Michaels |
One of the historic homes on the water |
One of the newer homes on the creek |
A cool old tug boat at a residential dock |
The only bummer about this anchorage, like many in the Chesapeake, is the commercial crabber wake up call at 4 or 5 am. I swear these guys are bitter that they're up so early and you're not -- so they feel the need to blast by your boat and hit you with as much wake as possible! But if you can lull yourself back to sleep until a more hospitable hour, it certainly beats the Miles River.
The city dock near Water Park is the back entrance to St. Michaels from San Domingo Creek. When you arrive, you are just a short walk away from the south end of the main strip.
The crab boats at the city dock on San Domingo Creek |
Plenty of room for dinghies, or you can rent kayaks, paddle boats or bikes |
We spent a few days in San Domingo Creek, wandering around St. Michaels, swimming, catching a few crabs, and just relaxing. St. Michaels still has a lot of charm, but things have changed quite a bit since our last visit, and the main dock is now frequented by some serious mega yachts, Like m/y
Casino Royale.
Only a few crabs made it into our bucket, but they made delicious crab salad sandwiches! |
Who needs to eat out when you have grilled lamb on board? |
Nothing is more quintessential St. Michaels than the Crab Claw |
163' m/y Casino Royale in St. Michaels |
It was a down wind run on the way home, with 4-5 foot waves. We sailed wing and wing until we hit the Bay Bridge, then the winds died down a bit so we started the motor and motor sailed home.
Sailing Wing and Wing |
Another great trip and I didn't get a single gray hair. But each time we go out it simply makes us wish that
Phoenix was move in ready. Soon; very soon...